Posts in Personal
Tyler Jackson's Birth Story and Fresh 48 Photos

I woke up bright and early around 6:30 the Saturday morning before my due date, and after going to the restroom, I thought my water might be leaking (that was how my labor started with Asher).

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Our Maternity Photos // Baby Tromburg #2

During my pregnancy with Asher we had maternity photos taken, and I was really excited to have them done again with this pregnancy and include Asher in the photos. In case you missed all the details about baby #2, we are having a baby boy, due May 9th (Mother’s Day!).

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Asher's Birth Story - Part 2

After the Pitocin was started, I wasn’t aware of time, but wholly focused on getting through each contraction. I had a lot of back pain with contractions, so even though Kristi wanted me to rest, laying on my back was out of the question.

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Our Son Asher's Birth Story - Part 1

After all the trouble I had getting pregnant, I had a relatively easy and uneventful 9 months of pregnancy. However, I did start having Braxton Hicks contractions as early as about 22 weeks. Around 32 weeks, they were happening pretty regularly, especially in the evenings. Since I’d never had a baby before, I wasn’t sure what the difference would be between true labor contractions and Braxton Hicks.

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Our Journey to Growing Our Family Part 2 - Sunrise and Mountain Mercies

The months following my surgery were challenging. My body was still healing, and healing for me, wasn’t linear. Some days I would feel great, others I would be struck by pain that would leave me curled up in a ball on our floor.

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Five Reasons I had Professional Newborn Photos Taken

One of the many wonders of a photograph is its ability to freeze time. I would argue that there is never a more applicable situation to want to freeze time than in those first few days after your child’s birth. Not only do they change so fast, but your memory of those first few days can be so fleeting.

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27 Week Bump // Boise Maternity Photos

It has been a few weeks since we took these pictures, but since little man hasn’t made an appearance yet, I figured it’s not too late to post a few of these bump pics. I thought I felt big at 27 weeks, but now, 8 weeks later that thought makes me laugh.

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